11 Tips for Getting Your Videos Seen on YouTube in 2023

YouTube has over 1 billion unique users every month. That's a lot, right? If you're not focused on YouTube SEO, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to expand your online business.

Do you want your 2023 YouTube videos to rank higher? I'll teach you the finest YouTube SEO methods to bring your videos to the top of search results fast.

YouTube SEO 2023: How to Get Your Videos to the Top Quickly?

1. Get more people to watch your videos.

Video view time is how long people watch your videos. Like website visits. Spending more time viewing and reading your YouTube videos improves SEO.

The YouTube Creator Playbook states that YouTube optimises search and discovery for content that keep viewers on the site.

Simply said, YouTube will promote your channel through search and suggested content if viewers watch your videos longer. Leads, traffic, views, and purchases increase.

Here are the 5 best ways to get more people to watch your videos.

1. Make your opening very interesting.

Your films should be captivating within 10–15 seconds. It's best to explain your videos in 10–15 seconds.

Most viewers will finish your video if it starts well. Another approach to boost video views.

2. Plan out your videos well.

Creative storylines make some YouTube videos popular. Find a reliable method for planning your video content to keep it engaging.

It will make your films more engaging and keep viewers watching.

3. Make videos that are longer

A study of how YouTube ranks videos found that longer videos (more than 15 minutes) do better in YouTube search than shorter videos.

If your video is longer than 15 minutes, it will get a better ranking on YouTube. That's all there is to it.

4. Make smart playlists

Did you know that clever video playlists may greatly boost your video viewing time?

For instance, if someone searches YouTube and views your video first. That session's YouTube viewing time will include all videos seen in that series, whether they're yours or not.

Hope you realize how crucial playlist improvement is.

5. Figure out what works well for you and do it again.

Click "Interest Viewers" on YouTube Studio. To watch your most popular YouTube videos, select "Top Videos."

It's easy to make more of what's working on your YouTube channel to generate more talk, visitors, and views.

2. It is very important to brand your channel.

If you only remember one thing about SEO for YouTube videos, remember this: don't make another YouTube channel, make a brand!

Narrow the focus of your content.

Have you ever subscribed to a fitness channel on YouTube and found videos that had nothing to do with fitness? It's very unlikely, right? Focusing on making videos for your YouTube channel that are highly related is so important, especially if you want to take your brand to the next level.

And make sure to think about what makes an online video go viral.

Here's a simple point-by-point list to help you make great videos: 

- Make audio and video of high quality.

- Put the benefits of the video right at the start (as people have less attention spans online)

- Your videos should get right to the point.

Build raving fans.

Fan and subscriber growth is one of the fastest methods to expand your YouTube channel.

Video comments: Encourage video comments. Asking fascinating questions regarding the video topic might elicit comments.

Subscribes: Request subscribers at the conclusion of your videos (if possible, in between in your videos).

Shares: Encourage people to share your films to increase views and subscriptions, which is fantastic for YouTube video marketing.

Above all, obtain as many likes and dislikes as possible because they're an engagement measure, therefore the more, the higher the rating.

Give your YouTube channel an identity.

You can give your YouTube channel an immediate identity by doing these things.

- Create a distinctive and attractive logo (so your fans and subscribers can easily recognise the videos are coming from your channel)

- Include a photo. Use photos carefully. It's best to utilise your own photos or make them special.

- Connect your social media accounts to your channel.

- If you have a blog relevant to your YouTube channel (if not, start one), link to it as often as possible.

3. Choose a main keyword.

Keywords rule.

Google and YouTube search algorithms are extremely similar. They use several elements to rank articles and videos on their search engines. Keywords important.

Most YouTube video marketers ignore keywords. That's why their videos don't get more views.

Before making a video, conduct keyword research as bloggers do before writing.

YouTube SEO recommended techniques can improve your videos.

- Choose a main keyword. Long-tail keywords produce more traffic. Use "SEO advice for New York agencies" instead of "SEO" to rank higher on YouTube.

- Use Semrush to find keywords. Google's Keyword Planner is free, but it doesn't reveal possible keywords. Premium SEO tools like Semrush can help you locate the most profitable keywords to increase YouTube video traffic.

- Analyze competition while undertaking YouTube keyword research. Find out who's on Google's first page for your term. Discover their #1 rating. Find their average video duration. This easy analysis might help you make videos to expand online.

4. Find out how to make your YouTube videos better.

Focus on these three things to improve YouTube video ranks.

YouTube Meta description, title and tags

To maximize your YouTube organic search videos, let's briefly discuss them.


Crawlers weigh YouTube titles more, so optimize them. Your title should contain your major keyword (step #1). Use your keyword in the beginning of your video title to help consumers and search crawlers comprehend it.

YouTube Meta description:

Meta descriptions, like titles, are crucial to YouTube organic rankings. So, take your time writing video descriptions.

Use links to particular pages (either to your own websites or products) in your meta description at the beginning so visitors can easily pick where to go after viewing your YouTube videos.


Most individuals skip keywording their videos. Video tags are important for YouTube rankings.

Use tags that fit your videos instead than arbitrary ones. Tag your videos with SEO suggestions, search engine optimization, how to rank higher on YouTube, etc.

For YouTube SEO, utilize 5–10 tags each video.

5. Check your rivals' channels.

Competitor research is an easy YouTube SEO best practice to boost ranks and uncover viral video ideas.

Make a list of 10–20 of your rivals' channels so you can simply analyze how to improve your YouTube channel's content.

However, here are two good reasons to watch your competitors on YouTube.

Check their keywords.

You can readily see what videos they make.

Let's briefly discuss the above so you can comprehend competition analysis and apply it as one of the greatest video marketing tips to grow online in 2023 and beyond.

Check their keywords.

Spying on your competitors' YouTube and Google search rankings will provide you keyword suggestions.

Semrush will offer long-tail and short-tail keywords when you input a term. After finding these keywords, add them to your video tags.

You can readily see what videos they make.

Contents vary. Industry-specific viral material is rare. By looking at your rivals' video channels, you can readily see what's engaging.

6. Improve YouTube metrics

Here are some of the most important YouTube video metrics for optimization.

- Watching time (average duration, also known as watch time)

- video comments

- Video likes

- Your video's social media sharing count.

- Number of websites that embed your video using the tag <embed>.

- Subscribers to a video

How can you boost YouTube video metrics?

Make your movies appealing and long enough to enhance YouTube watch time and average duration.

Asking questions at the conclusion of your videos and encouraging subscribers and viewers to respond works well to increase comments.

Engaging videos are the key to getting more likes. Most viewers will like your videos if they're good. Call-to-actions and annotations like "thumbs up" can boost video likes.

Tip: Link YouTube to Facebook and Twitter. That way, your YouTube videos will automatically be posted to your other accounts.

7. YouTube video keywords should be optimized.

Optimizing around video keywords is a YouTube expert video marketing approach. Ranking on YouTube is fantastic, but ranking on both YouTube and Google is better.

Finding such YouTube video keywords may alter the game and simply create a ton of visitors to your website from the world's two major search engines, YouTube and Google.

8. Ask other websites to post your videos.

Getting links from other sites is one of the less well-known ways to get more natural traffic to your YouTube videos. The best way to do that is to get more people to embed your YouTube videos on their websites.

Here is a simple, step-by-step guide to doing it right.

Step 1: Make a list of all the relevant sites.

Step 2: Communicate with them.

Step 3: Send them an email that isn't too bossy.

9. Get people talking about your videos

Want to use the best SEO strategy to get your YouTube videos ranked higher? Then, get people talking about your videos.

Why? The number one reason is that you can get better rankings if more people talk about your videos or share them with others.

If you want to get people talking about your videos, here are a few places you can try:

- Advertise videos on your blogs.

- Advertise in online discussion groups.

- Answer relevant Quora questions.

10. Increase YouTube clicks using these strategies.

1. Appealing thumbnails:

Video thumbnails are vital for clicks. Video ranks improve with clicks. Use attractive thumbnails.

For the greatest thumbnail experience, select 1280 x 720 (with a minimum width of 650 pixels) resolution.

2: Clickable headlines:

9/10 people read headlines before clicking on videos. Avoid ignoring them.

3. Increase subscribers:

How can you boost YouTube views? Subscribe more.

Get more YouTube subscribers. To reach the most people, advertise your channel on forums, Quora, blogs, etc.

4. Comment often on other videos:

Leaving insightful comments is one of the easiest YouTube SEO techniques for new video creators.

Popular videos

Funny/thoughtful remarks

That gets your channel started.

5: Request video shares:

Most people disregard this, but asking others to share your content is the best method to increase channel exposure. Request shares at the start and finish of your videos. To increase visibility, encourage friends and coworkers to share your films on other social media platforms.

11. Plan long-term video promotion.

Finally, develop a long-term YouTube plan.

SEO takes time to improve outcomes and rankings. YouTube rankings take time.

If you want the greatest YouTube results, focus on a 1-year approach and publish videos once a week or twice a month.

Make careful to get as many YouTube subscribers as possible because your subscriber count affects following.


Increases video viewing and sharing.

Increases likes, comments, and YouTube video ranks.

Find techniques to increase your channel's subscribers. That's YouTube video marketing success. Long-term aims, not short-term outcomes.


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